Class GovernmentAccountAuditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
AccountAuditor, AccountObserver

public class GovernmentAccountAuditor extends Object implements AccountAuditor
  • Constructor Details

    • GovernmentAccountAuditor

      public GovernmentAccountAuditor()
  • Method Details

    • withdrew

      public void withdrew(Account account, double amount, String reason)
      Description copied from interface: AccountObserver
      Called whenever an account money is withdrawn from an account.
      Specified by:
      withdrew in interface AccountObserver
      account - The account withdrew from.
      amount - The amount withdrew.
      reason - The reason for withdrawing.
    • deposited

      public void deposited(Account account, double amount, String reason)
      Description copied from interface: AccountObserver
      Called whenever an account money is deposited to an account.
      Specified by:
      deposited in interface AccountObserver
      account - The account deposited to.
      amount - The amount deposited.
      reason - The reason for depositing.
    • getAuditHistory

      public List<String> getAuditHistory()
      Description copied from interface: AccountAuditor
      Gets the formatted transactions associated with this account. This should return the history in chronological order.
      Specified by:
      getAuditHistory in interface AccountAuditor
      The formatted transaction history from this account.
    • getTransactions

      public List<BankTransaction> getTransactions()
      Description copied from interface: AccountAuditor
      Gets the transactions associated with this account. This should return the history in chronological order.
      Specified by:
      getTransactions in interface AccountAuditor
      The transaction history from this account.