Class SpawnUtil


public class SpawnUtil extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • SpawnUtil

      public SpawnUtil()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public static void initialize(Towny plugin)
    • sendToTownySpawn

      public static void sendToTownySpawn(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, String[] split, TownyObject townyObject, String notAffordMSG, boolean outpost, boolean ignoreWarn, SpawnType spawnType) throws TownyException
      Central method used for /res, /t, /n, /ta spawn commands.
      player - Player using spawn command.
      split - Remaining command arguments, used primarily for outposts.
      townyObject - Either a town or nation depending on source command.
      notAffordMSG - Message shown when a player cannot afford their teleport.
      outpost - Whether this is an outpost or not.
      ignoreWarn - Whether to show confirmation for payment or just pay without confirmation.
      spawnType - SpawnType.RESIDENT/TOWN/NATION
      TownyException - Thrown if any of the vital conditions are not met.
    • outlawTeleport

      public static void outlawTeleport(Town town, Resident outlaw)
      Handles moving outlaws from outside of towns they are outlawed in.
      town - Town which they are outlawed in.
      outlaw - Resident which is outlawed and being moved.
    • jailAwayTeleport

      public static void jailAwayTeleport(Resident jailed)
      Used to teleport a jailed resident away from jail, upon gaining freedom.
      jailed - Resident which is being moved from jail.
    • jailTeleport

      public static void jailTeleport(Resident jailed)
      Used to teleport a newly jailed resident to jail.
      jailed - Resident going off to the slammer.